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the Covenant experience narrative

The Blue Tribune is your place to learn about all things Covenant and keep up with stories from campus and beyond. By guiding you through the different aspects of Covenant, we'll help you decide if you want to pursue your very own Covenant experience.

Academic Commons: A Space for Students to Thrive

 One of the benefits that Covenant students enjoy is the wide array of accessible academic resources. One example is the academic common areas across campus. A number of academic departments have designated spaces where students can study, unwind in between classes, or find tutors for specific studies. Professors’ offices are also found here, so students have the opportunity to build further connections with professors even after class ends.

Tutors Committed to Success

Tutors in several academic departments have designated hours when other students can come to the commons to get help on homework, ask for clarification on a certain topic, or learn helpful study tips. These tutors are upperclassmen who sat in the exact same seats as younger students only a few years earlier. Having taken these classes already, the tutors know how to prepare students well for success. Also, these tutoring sessions are completely free!

A Place to Connect with Professors

While our tutors are skilled and helpful, this is not the only resource that students have access to within department commons. Professors also welcome students into their offices and provide a place for one-on-one conversations, whether about class, homework, faith, or life. Our faculty delights in knowing students beyond the classroom, and this is evident from the atmospheres professors create for students to enjoy.

From having a conversation with a classmate next to the fish tank in the biology commons to studying for an exam on one of the comfy psychology commons couches, students find a place of comfort and support in the department commons.

Meeting with tutors in the physics and chemistry commons is incredibly helpful to me and many others. On Thursdays before lab, you can find me and my classmates in the chemistry commons reading the pre-lab and chatting. In the physics commons, plaid couches and Mrs. Petcher's paintings of God's hand in creating the cosmos (both stars and equations are depicted) kept me company on many a late night of homework. Professors, whose offices are just down the hall, are always willing to stop and talk with students as they walk through. The commons are a great place to connect with classmates, professors, and other resources.

Margaret Henry ’22

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