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Faculty Feature: Dr. Jim Drexler

Faculty Feature is a series in The Blue Tribune that recognizes the excellent professors and staff of Covenant College through a series of questions.

This week we're highlighting Dr. Jim Drexler, Dean of the Graduate School of Education.

What brought you to Covenant? How long have you been teaching?

We moved here in 2004, so I'm finishing up my 18th year at Covenant. I graduated from Covenant in 1979 and met my wife here (as many others have!)

What is your history with Covenant?

Well, I was a student from 1975-1979, worked in admissions from 1979-1981, all four of our children graduated from Covenant, and I have worked here for 18 years.

What is your history with the PCA or Reformed Tradition?

I am a Teaching Elder in the PCA and Associate Pastor (without pay) at New City Fellowship.

Tell us a little about your family: 

My wife Sara (Belz) graduated in 1978 and, like me, has had a career in education.

What is a current research project or area of interest you're excited about?

Dr. Amy Bagby and I are in the middle of a qualitative research project on spiritual formation in Christian schooling.

How do you or your department encourage each student to pursue academic excellence?

The Education Department and the Graduate School of Education both stress the development of a consistent and coherent biblical framework for all of education. It's hard work, and it's a life-long project, but our desire is to graduate Christian educators (not educators who happen to be Christian) who by God's grace weave the biblical narrative of creation-fall-redemption in all that they do in their teaching and learning.

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