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Faculty Feature: Dr. Robert Erle Barham

Faculty Feature is a series in the Blue Tribune that recognizes the excellent professors and staff of Covenant College through a series of questions.

This week we're highlighting Dr. Robert Erle Barham, Associate Professor of English.

What brought you to Covenant? How long have you been teaching?

I first encountered Covenant College through its graduates: my roommate in graduate school and friends from church, all of whom were salt and light in the community. My roommate encouraged me to apply for a teaching position here in 2012.

What do you love about teaching at Covenant?

I love the people. Covenant has a brilliant ensemble of professors who are learned, winsome in their expression of ideas, and humble. And along with being unfailingly kind, the students are eager to think faithfully and deeply in their studies.

What is your history with the PCA or Reformed Tradition?

I started attending a PCA church in college.

What's your favorite Covenant Tradition?

The bagpipes--of course.

What's one of your favorite cultural or family traditions?

Every Friday night is pizza-movie night with our kids.

Tell us a little about your family:

My wife Amy and I have three children: Robert (6), Rosalie (4), and Alice (1).

How do you/your department encourage each student to pursue academic excellence?

Our department prepares students to handle complex texts exceedingly well. It fosters proficiency in analysis, interpretation, and articulacy—all of which are useful no matter the career that students have in store. In addition, because we are creatures who have an appetite for story and who make sense of the world narratively, I love that our department helps students to better understand, enjoy, and appreciate story in various forms—including the cultural products all around us, as well as the the stories from the students' lives.

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