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the Covenant experience narrative

The Blue Tribune is your place to learn about all things Covenant and keep up with stories from campus and beyond. By guiding you through the different aspects of Covenant, we'll help you decide if you want to pursue your very own Covenant experience.

What is sneakPEAK?

students, families, and faculty at a sneakpeak social

When I decided to attend sneakPEAK in September of my senior year, I wasn’t sure what I was going to study in college. In fact, I wasn’t sure what exactly I was going to find at Covenant College when I got there. I most definitely did not know where I would be in a year. Coming to sneakPEAK was one of the best ways I got to know Covenant as a student looking for a college home. 

Experience Covenant Firsthand

SneakPEAK is a unique overnight, preview experience for prospective students to visit Covenant College in the middle of the bustling school year. Students get to tour campus, sit in on classes, and meet with professors who teach the courses they are interested in. There is even a chance of getting to stay with a current student in the dorms, which I highly recommend! 

Get to Know Students and Campus Life

I arrived at my sneakPEAK ready to explore Covenant and get to know the student body. Although I had been on campus before, I had never been to an event that was specifically for me. I was able to stay on a hall, be in the midst of the student body, meet professors, and even witness a silly skit after chapel. 

Explore Academic Interests and Meet Faculty

Something I discovered while I was at sneakPEAK was my major for the coming year. When I saw that Covenant had open houses for the departments, I knew it would be a great opportunity to see what the education department was like at Covenant. When I stepped into Brock Hall, I was immediately hooked by the engaging personalities of Dr. Tinholt, Dr. Beckman, and Dr. Bagby while they described an incredible education program. Now, a year later, I am blessed to be able to study under their teaching!

Be Part of Something Bigger

The reason I chose Covenant over all the other schools I applied to is because of the student body and how much their faith informs all they do. As I sat in chapel for my sneakPEAK, I was able to tangibly experience the joy that was in the air. I felt the exuberant praise around me in the room—these students were so excited about the Lord! That is not something easily found. 

Now, I join in with the student body as a current student during sneakPEAK and am honored to represent Covenant College as a student host. As a freshman at Covenant, I would highly recommend visiting during SneakPEAK because not only will you get special opportunities meant just for you, but the Covenant students and faculty will be so excited to meet you and encourage you in your college search—wherever that leads you. 

To learn more about sneakPEAK, visit

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