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Planning for Study Abroad

Schedule a meeting with the Coordinator of Global Education to discuss your hopes and plans.

Identify your priorities. What do you hope to gain from an off‐campus study experience? Where do you want to go? What courses would you like to take? What kind of program would be the best match for you? Do you want language immersion? Would you prefer to live with a family or in a dorm or apartment? Is travel in additional to the program requirements important to you? How will study abroad fit into your larger academic and career planning?

Examine your academic schedule. Spend some time with your advisor looking over your core, major, and graduation requirements. Utilize the many records tools to evaluate your academic plan. Think about which semester you can study away from Covenant and what classes you should take while you are away. Make sure your semester abroad will move you towards graduation, not delay it.

Research off‐campus study programs. Look through program materials in the global education office or search the web. Compare several programs. Speak with previous participants. Meet with representatives when they visit campus. Consider special programs like the Critical Language Summer program, which is fully funded.

Which program will best accomplish your personal and academic goals? Is the program financially feasible (what are the additional costs)? What additional preparation will you need before you go?

Covenant approved program or leave of absence?
Students will remain full‐time Covenant students and be eligible to receive external and institutional financial aid only by participating in an approved off‐campus study program.

However, if you are able and so desire... by taking a leave of absence from Covenant College there are a multitude of options to study off‐campus in locations throughout the globe covering all academic subjects under the sun.
Here are a few sites to get you started:

Your final 32 credits must be taken at Covenant College or through a Covenant-approved program, so do not plan to take a leave of absence during your senior year. If you choose to take a leave of absence, your financial aid will be reinstated upon your return as closely as possible, according to federal guidelines, to their previous amounts. Credits will not automatically transfer to Covenant, so be sure to work closely with your academic advisor and the Office of Records before taking a LOA.

Fill out and submit applications and other paperwork required by the host organization. You must remain in good academic and behavioral standing to study abroad. Begin this process early, so you are able to give your recommenders plenty of time, and meet deadlines for housing and course selection.

Financial planning. Meet with Brenda Rapier in the financial aid office to ensure you and your parents/guardians understand the aid you will receive while abroad. More information about financial aid is available here.

Choosing Classes. Work closely with your advisor and the records office to ensure that your coursework will transfer to Covenant and that you will graduate according to your plan. Take course descriptions and syllabi of the classes you intend to take to the head of the academic department in which you wish to receive credit. Heads of academic departments must approve classes that transfer in as particular courses within a department. The dean of records must approve all classes which transfer in as core requirements. (i.e. The head of the history department would need to approve a history class that you wish to count as HIS 212. The dean of records must approve a class that you wish to count as CHOW II.)

If you change classes, either before you depart to study abroad or after you register at the host institution, you must notify Covenant of the changes in order to ensure that the credits will transfer appropriately.

You’ve been accepted to the program of your choice, now what?
Study Abroad Pre-Departure Checklist


“On a personal note, I became more independent (you don't have a chance to run every decision by your parents, like I did before), more relaxed/go-with-the-flow, I got to try so many new things and travel a ton. On a educational note, I was able to learn so much about the culture, the language and the people.
During my time in Spain, I deepened my fluency in Spanish and grew more aware of the importance of cultural sensitivity. I became more independent, more decisive, and I improved my problem solving skills.”
  - Haley Harrison | Spain

Graduate School of Education

Undergraduate Departments, Majors, Minors, Certificates, Concentrations, and Programs

Academic Certificates

  • Arts Administration
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability
  • Journalism and Society
  • Medical Ethics Consultation
  • Neuroscience
  • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)


  • Art, 2-D Concentration 
  • Art, 3-D Concentration 
  • Art, Art History Concentration 
  • Art, Graphic Design Concentration 
  • Art, Photography Concentration 
  • Art minor
  • Art History minor

Biblical & Theological Studies

  • Biblical & Theological Studies 
  • Biblical & Theological Studies, Missions Concentration 
  • Biblical & Theological Studies minor
  • Biblical Languages minor
  • History of Christianity minor
  • Missions minor
  • Youth Ministry minor


  • Biology, Biomedical Concentration 
  • Biology, Environmental Concentration 
  • Biology, General 
  • Biology, Health Professions Concentration 
  • Biology minor


  • Business 
  • Business, Accounting Concentration 
  • Business, Finance Concentration 
  • Business, Marketing Concentration 
  • Sport Management 
  • Business minor
  • Sport Management minor


  • Chemistry, Biochemistry Concentration 
  • Chemistry, General 
  • Biochemistry minor
  • Chemistry minor

Community Development

  • Community Development 
  • Community Development minor

Computer Science

  • Computer Science 
  • Computer Science minor


  • Economics 
  • Economics minor


  • Education Studies 
  • Elementary Education (P-5) 
  • Secondary Education Certifications through MAT program 
  • Education minor

Engineering 3:2 Program

  • Natural Science, Pre-Engineering Studies Concentration


  • English 
  • English, Writing Concentration 
  • English minor
  • Writing minor

Health, Wellness and Coaching

  • Coaching minor

History, Politics, and International Studies

  • History 
  • History, Art History Concentration 
  • Political Science 
  • International Studies 
  • History minor
  • Political Science minor

Interdisciplinary Studies

  • Interdisciplinary Studies with Concentrations 


  • Mathematics 
  • Mathematics minor


  • Music, Church Music Concentration 
  • Music, Creative Studies Concentration 
  • Music, General Music Concentration 
  • Music, Instrumental Performance Concentration 
  • Music, Music Education (Pre-MAT) Concentration 
  • Music, Organ Performance Concentration 
  • Music, Piano Pedagogy Concentration 
  • Music, Piano Performance Concentration 
  • Music, Vocal Performance Concentration 
  • Music minor


  • Philosophy 
  • Philosophy minor


  • Physics 
  • Physics minor

Pre-Professional Programs

  • Pre-Law Studies 
  • Pre-Medical Studies 
  • Pre-Nursing Studies 
  • Pre-Physical Therapy Studies 


  • Psychology 
  • Psychology minor


  • Sociology 
  • Sociology, Family Studies & Social Work Concentration 
  • Sociology minor


  • Theatre minor

World Languages

  • French 
  • Spanish 
  • French minor
  • Spanish minor