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the Covenant experience narrative

The Blue Tribune is your place to learn about all things Covenant and keep up with stories from campus and beyond. By guiding you through the different aspects of Covenant, we'll help you decide if you want to pursue your very own Covenant experience.

Student Perspectives

Covenant students share their views on life at the college of the PCA.

Max Out Barnes

Smurfs, lumberjacks, construction workers: You might think I'm describing a Halloween party. Instead, I am describing...

Community is Hard, Community is Beautiful

While preparing to come to Covenant, I heard a lot about the community. So, when I came in, wide-eyed and innocent, I...

Why a Residential Campus is Worth It

When I began the college search, I spread my net wide. I was looking at enormous state universities, small private colleges...

My Honest Thoughts on a Christian College

If you’re considering Covenant College, you’re probably asking some of the questions I did at 17. One big question...

Don't Underestimate Community

I think just about every student here has either asked or been asked how they were doing, and the answer was “busy”...

No Perfect Places

Last semester, an eager previewer asked a question that caught me off guard: “What would you change about Covenant?”...

Theatre Department Overcoming Unique Challenges to Produce "Everyman"

Like we all have in this season of unknowns, the Covenant College Theatre Department did everything they could do to live...

Revisiting Prayer

I find myself thinking sometimes about what it will be like when we finally see God face to face, and what it will look...

Covenant's Pickup Soccer Community

Clubs, organizations, events, meetings, hall culture—all aspects of life at Covenant College that knit the students...


Experience Covenant